{"Watch At This!"}

This is a phrase that we hear many, many times a day! It must be a combination of Watch me and look at this. Eli is definitely an entertainer and we are hoping that some day Naomi will be a sufficient audience for him! :)

The latest and greatest entertainment really is quite exciting though...Eli got his first two wheel bike! The neighbors were going to sell it and so we snatched it up. Of course then we had to buy a helmet and he is now ready to ride! The pedal breaks are a new one for him, but he is getting the hang of them quite quickly which is good since we live on a hill! Check out our super cute little biker! He's growing up way too fast!

Little Miss Naomi is also growing quite fast. Much faster then Eli did at her age, I'm sure! It is hard to get the camera out often enough these days to catch all her new silly faces and tricks. She is smiling and talking like crazy. She will have no problem competing with her brother with the lungs she has. And is starting to roll over from side to side. No more unsupervised lounging on the couch for this young lady! We were blessed with a super sweet little girl (and thankfully slightly more mellow than Eli) and I can't wait to get to know her better as her personality emerges more everyday.

{What's a girl to do?}

You may notice that Naomi has quite the little Mohawk going on in most of her photos! Unfortunately, I think she also has the same cowlick that Eli had, sticky up hair at the crown of her head! Not sure what sort of hair style a stylist would recommend to camouflage those two issues! Here's our little one's latest photos:

{Discovery Kingdom}

I had been wanting to visit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom ever since our pediatrician let us in on the secret that they have a "ThomasTown" section! I knew Eli would love it, so as part of Grant's last hurrah on paternity leave, we packed our snacks, loaded up the kids, dragged Nana and Papa along for the ride and headed to Vallejo. We got there when the gates opened and were greeted with cold, breezy, foggy weather. Not exactly what we'd pictured, but it ended up being perfect for walking around the park, riding rides, and eventually the sun came out just in time for us to ride White Water Safari where we, of course, got soaked!!! Beautiful weather, an un-packed theme park, Eli in a good mood, Naomi was a trooper...What a day!